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We are a one stop shop solution providers for NGS and .


Our center provides Library prep ( DNAseq, RNAseq, Small RNAseq, Long Non-coding RNAseq, ChIPseq, 16S, Directional RNAseq, Fluidigm, Nextera), sequening services ( HighSeq, MiSeq, Fluidigm C1 and Fluidigm Access array), kinase pathway profiling (PAMGENE), and mycoplasma testing.

Library preparation. We are able to process large volume of samples of NEBNextDNANEBNextRNA, SureselectXT and SureselectXT2 with our Agilent Bravo Robot. In addition we are able to provide services of 16S, NEBNext Directiona RNA libraries after ribosomal Depletion and small RNA libraries from plasma serum and platelets. 

Sequencing servises. We have HiSeq V4, MiSeq V3 and Ion Torrent Sequening services. Soon we wiill acquire the Nanostring which does not require library amplification. 


Pamgene. In combination with the sequencing services we provide a unique ability to test the kinase cascades which are activated in your tissue or cell lysates. 


Micoplasma test. It is well known that micoplasma affect transcription profile. Our PCR based Micoplasma assay will assit in determining if your samples might be contaminated prior to investing time and money in your transcriptomics analysis. 

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